205. Canadian squirrel & why I like unagi

205. Canadian squirrel & why I like unagi

Hi Everyone, 

I introduced some Canadian squirrel brushes of Hakuhodo this week.

I received an order for another Canadian squirrel brush.
The company is called Houkodo.

It is Kumano brush, and the first picture is
3200 yen

The second is
3700 yen

Both Canadian squirrel.


They have Kolinsky as well.

Please let me know if you are interested.


It is summer, and as you might know, summer in Japan is sometimes too much. 


I was brought up in Hiroshima, which faces sea and surrounded by mountains.


In the summer, Hiroshima has no wind. 


I was a high school student in the city, and even now I sometimes recall how hot it was.  I wonder why I did not use an air conditioner at that time. 

Tokyo summer may be worse  or Japan has become a tropical island officially)


Japanese eat unagi to get energy in summer.
It began during the Tokugawa era, 300 years ago.

As far as I am concerned,

Once a month, I really feel like eating unagi.
It costs 2000 or 3000 yen to eat out, but we can buy good one at shop.

I remember one story written in a novel I read.

“He was traveling in Nara.

Nara is a historical city,  east of Osaka. 


He was relaxed at a rural town near Nara, but got so hungry that he entered a small restaurant.


It was a unagi restaurant. 


He ordered unagi-don  and waited.


One hour passed and still nothing. 


There was only one client in the restaurant.


He was not able to wait any longer, so he walked to the kitchen.


There was one old lady, a very old lady, standing with a hocho, a knife. 


He said, ‘sumimasen.’(excuse me)


She did not turn her face to him, so he came back to the table.

He waited another hour, and finally unagi has arrived.


That unagi was, he felt,

in all seriousness, without reservation,

REALLY, REALLY delicious. “

I remember this story only in that novel, and 

When I eat unagi, this story comes back.

And I smile.


Unagi is interesting, isn’t it?


Thank you for reading. 


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