206. 2021 Fall Makeup collection

206. 2021 Fall Makeup collection

Hi Everyone, 


I was watching the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic.


Those Olympians were so cheerful and smiling.


I read some reactions on the web, and many Japanese were encouraged by them. Especially this hard time.


I was encouraged by those people smiling despite the hard times, too. 


It would have been nice if their country people come to Japan, watch games and tour in Japan.


A next Olympic in Japan may take another 50 years. 


It seems to me that sports are one of very rare things that are fairly competed, though not all people have an opportunity to be a good athlete. 

A competition, itself, is fairly played based on common rules all over the world.
(Well, baseballs used in USA are different from ones in Japan, but the rule is the same)

That is difficult to achieve in the real world.

And those competitors shake hands, hug or bow after the game is over, despite that they have different backgrounds, cultures and nationalities.
Maybe this is one big reason why people like the Olympic.



I attached some of the limited products sold in August.


THREE Eyeshadow & Blush

Lunasol Eyeshadow ex14 and ex15

Dior Eyeshadow

Dolce & Gabbana Blush of Rose Love Collector

RMK Eyeshadows

Please let me know if you are interested,

Thank you!



